Cabernet Franc - 7 rows
1103P root stock
Clone 11
Planted in 2019 and grafted in 2020
Pruned for caning May 2021
Water Stress 2021
September 2022
Mid-August birds got at a bunch of the Cab Franc, so we quickly netted the rest. We hoped to end up with ¼ ton. Then, we noticed that some vines in Block 2 did not “veraison.” Hmm - lo and behold, we have some white grape vines. The jury is out on what they are since when I made jam with them, and the jam turned red while heating. I’m not sure how many since quite a few of the vines in those few rows (nearest to the creek) didn’t fruit. of those that did, about 12 vines fruited white. Look at the image below. What do you think??
In 2023 we caned and put compost throughout the vineyards. Then at bud break we sprayed BluVite - a nutrient that supports microbiome health. We sent soil tests prior and will do so again at the end of the season.
2023: We found 34 vines that were wrongly grafter with Chardonnay grapes UGH! So, we harvested them and have 2 ½ gallons of white wine (another chemistry lesson). We’ll regraft them in ‘24 and lose another 2 years to them. Maddening!